Friday, September 18, 2015

Learning Network Task

My Learning Network task was very simple considering I didn't even have a Twitter Account until last week, so I completed two task for this assignment. My two Learning Network Task That I completed were: Getting Started With Twitter and Engaging Others Through Twitter Chats. First let me start off by saying that learning to navigate Twitter and the Twitter Chats was probably the hardest thing for me throughout the entire task; because I had no idea what I was doing. Creating an account was very simple and didn't take much time at all, but adding 20 people was the most time consuming part. I didn't want to just follow a ton of random people or groups just because I needed to follow 20, so I actually spent some time trying to find people that would benefit me in the long run. Most everyone already has a Twitter, most of the time I feel like the only one in the world who doesn't but I just can't get into some things. The only time I post on Facebook is usually just pictures, so for me to interact with Twitter and sit down and put time into it was a task within itself for me. Considering there isn't much of anything to say about creating a account on Twitter, I figured it would be best if I went to the next task so I could have something a little more interesting to write about.
My next and more interesting task was to participate in a "Twitter Chat" in which I had never heard of until I watched videos and tutorials on "How to". First thing I had to do was create a Tweet Deck Account(which synced with my newly created Twitter Account) so all I had to do was log in with the same information. Once on my Tweet Deck (pictured below ) I had to go and add a couple of different groups.
As you can see the 2 groups that I followed were #EDTeach and #resiliencechat. I found these two chat groups from this link provided by my teacher . I was doing all of this on a Monday night so I chose my "Twitter Chat" by picking a group that chats on Mondays and because it was after 9pm I chose the next time of 10pm, So my picking narrowed itself down fairly quickly.  The chat that I participated in was the #Resiliencechat hosted by Sara Truebridge. Throughout the chat she asked a total of 5 questions for others to respond to.  As you can see from the screenshot above and below I answered each question and also replied and favored others responses.

I think that this assignment was very good for my personal growth in social media and even in my life. I would of never gone on, create an account or participate in anything like this on my own. It was a huge learning experience for me and I really hope that Twitter can become a active tool for  communicating with other teachers all over the world that can help and inspire me in my future teaching career. The major topic for this particular chat was " Being Grateful". Being Grateful is so very important and I think it is very much something that everyone should think about daily. There are so many things to be thankful for and hearing from so many other teachers from all over was what made me realize what I am most grateful for. I hope to continue learning through Twitter and I hope to use it in my future in teaching.

1 comment:

  1. Twitter and twitter chats are a great way to converse with other educators across the globe. I myself did not have a twitter before this class, but now I see it useful for educational purposes. I also experiences trouble when first trying to participate in the twitter chats and had to use the how-to option. Overall, it is a good way to build your PLN!
